Posts tagged with "food processor"

Maximizing Your Air Fryer’s Potential with These Simple Tips and Tricks

If you’ve recently invested in a convection oven with air fryer capabilities, you might be wondering how to make the most out of this versatile kitchen appliance. Whether you’re looking to make healthier meals or simply want to enjoy the deliciously crispy texture of fried foods without the excess oil, your air fryer can help you achieve your culinary goals. In this post, we’ll explore some of the best tips and tricks to maximize your air fryer’s potential, from selecting the right ingredients to adjusting cooking times and temperatures. With these simple techniques, you’ll be able to take your air fryer game to the next level and create mouth-watering dishes that your whole family will love.


Preheat Your Air Fryer

If you’re not already preheating your air fryer, you’re missing out on one of the best ways to maximize its potential. Preheating your air fryer allows it to reach its optimal temperature, ensuring that your food cooks evenly and to perfection. Not only does preheating result in better-cooked food, but it can also speed up cooking time. To preheat your air fryer, simply set it to the desired temperature and let it run for 3-5 minutes. This is the perfect time to prep your food while your air fryer heats up. Once your air fryer is preheated, add your food to the basket and set the timer. Don’t skip this important step in using your air fryer. Preheating ensures your food cooks perfectly every time, saving you time and making meal prep a breeze.


Use an Oil Sprayer

One of the best things about an air fryer is that it can produce crispy, crunchy foods with little to no added oil. However, sometimes you may want a bit of oil to enhance the flavor or to help certain foods crisp up more effectively. That’s where an oil sprayer comes in handy.

Instead of drizzling oil onto your food or directly into the air fryer basket, using an oil sprayer allows for a more controlled and even application. It also helps to reduce the amount of oil you’re using overall. Simply fill the sprayer with your desired oil, pump the top a few times to build pressure, and then spray your food before placing it in the basket. Keep in mind that you don’t need a fancy or expensive oil sprayer. A basic, budget-friendly one will work just fine. Just be sure to clean it thoroughly between uses to prevent any buildup or clogs. Using an oil sprayer can open up new possibilities for your air fryer cooking, so give it a try and see how it enhances your favorite dishes.


Let It Cool Down Before Cleaning

After you have finished cooking in your air fryer, it is important to let it cool down before cleaning. This will not only protect you from potential burns, but it will also prevent any damage to the unit itself. First, unplug the air fryer and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. This will allow the heating element to cool down and make it safe to handle. Next, remove any accessories or trays from the unit and clean them separately with warm, soapy water. Be sure to dry them thoroughly before returning them to the air fryer. Once the accessories are clean, wipe down the inside of the air fryer with a damp cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive sponges that can damage the non-stick coating. If there are any stubborn food residues, you can use a non-abrasive sponge with baking soda and water to gently scrub them away. It is also important to clean the outside of the air fryer with a damp cloth and avoid using any harsh chemicals or abrasive sponges. By letting your air fryer cool down before cleaning, you will not only protect yourself and the unit, but you will also ensure that it lasts longer and continues to function at its best.

3 Reasons You Need a George Foreman Grill in Your Life

Are you looking for a way to add convenience and flavor to your cooking? Look no
further than the George Foreman 15 Serving Indoor Outdoor Electric Grill! This amazing
kitchen appliance can provide you with an easy and delicious grilling experience. From juicy
burgers to tasty vegetables, the George Foreman Grill can help you make a wide variety of
meals. In this blog post, we will discuss three reasons why you need a George Foreman Grill in
your life. From its versatility to its convenience, the George Foreman Grill is the perfect addition
to any kitchen.

1) It’s easy to use

The George Foreman Grill is one of the most popular countertop appliances out there
and for good reason. It’s simple, yet effective design makes it one of the most user-friendly
appliances on the market. With its non-stick surface and adjustable temperature settings, you
can cook just about anything on your George Foreman Grill. Whether you’re cooking for
yourself or for a large family, you’ll find that the George Foreman Grill makes cooking a breeze.
The George Foreman Grill has two cooking surfaces – one on top and one on the bottom – so
you can cook food from both sides at once. This means that you can get your meals cooked
twice as fast as using a traditional stovetop or oven. Plus, with its angled surface, any grease or
fat will drip away from the food, leaving you with healthier meals. You can also adjust the
temperature to fit your recipe and monitor the progress with the built-in timer.
If you’re looking for a versatile countertop appliance that’s easy to use, the George Foreman
Grill is an excellent choice. Whether you’re looking to cook burgers, chicken breasts, fish,
vegetables, sandwiches, and more, you can do it all with the George Foreman Grill!

2) It’s versatilegrill

One of the greatest advantages of owning a George Foreman Grill is its versatility. This
kitchen appliance can be used to cook all kinds of different types of food, from burgers and
steaks to fish and veggies. You can even use it to make breakfast! The George Foreman Grill is
designed with a special floating hinge that allows it to adjust to any thickness of food, so you
can cook everything from thin pieces of chicken to thick cuts of steak. Plus, the adjustable
temperature control means you can customize your cooking to get perfect results every time.
With the George Foreman Grill, you can make all kinds of delicious meals with just one

3) It’s durable

When it comes to grilling, you want to be sure that your investment will last. That’s why
the George Foreman Grill is so appealing – it’s built to last. The cooking surface is made of a
sturdy ceramic coating, which makes it resistant to rust and corrosion, as well as easy to clean.
Its thick housing is also designed to withstand high temperatures, meaning you won’t have to
worry about it breaking down over time. Plus, the non-stick surface allows you to easily remove
food without having to use too much effort or scrub hard to clean. All of this adds up to a
durable product that will give you years of enjoyment.

Home Cooking

There are so many dishes that just simply taste better at home. Whether it is an old
family recipe or a particular way you like things done, nothing beats home cooking. The best
small food processor can come in handy for a variety of dishes that you may be making this
winter. Any time you don’t want to deal with your full-size food processor a small version can
come in handy. Having to clean and take apart your full-size food processor can become a
hassle. See below for some of the greatest ways to take advantage of the best small food
processor on the market.
 Guacamole: Nothing beats fresh, homemade guacamole. However, fresh guacamole
does require chopping up several different ingredients. Our small food processor can
really come in handy when whipping up your next batch of fresh guac!
 Baby Food: Store bought baby food can be filled with so many preservatives and
unhealthy added ingredients. It is always safest to just make your own baby food at
home. A small food processor is the perfect way to blend up baby purees without the
hassle of a full-size machine.
 Fruit smoothies: Sometimes frozen fruit can get jammed in a large blender. If you slowly
blend pieces in a small food processor you will be extremely thankful of the results.
 Nuts: Perhaps you are making chocolate chip cookies with walnuts? Maybe you are
making fresh pesto. Either way, a small food processor to blend up your nuts is
extremely helpful!
 Chocolate chunks: Creating the perfect size chocolate chunks for cookies or any kind of
dessert is best done in a small food processor.


Warm Up This Winter

Depending on where you live specifically, you have likely noticed the shift in
temperatures. Fall is upon us which means that winter is near. A swift drop in temperatures is
in the near future which means that you will likely need access to a heater. A smart space
heater is an excellent way to quickly and conveniently warm up various spaces in your home.
There are numerous ways in which a smart space heater provides added convenience to your
home during the winter months. See below for a few of the added conveniences you will gain
from a smart space heater.
 Remote access: Many smart heaters allow for smart phone access. This means that you
can log-in any time and adjust the temperature from anywhere. Whether you are cozy
in your bed and simply want to adjust the temperature or downstairs and want to warm
up your bedroom upstairs you will have the complete capability to do so.
 Easy scheduling: Some heaters have the capability to set a preset schedule. This is a
wonderful convenience so that you can anticipate cold mornings and warm afternoons.
You will never have to rethink feeling too cold in your space.
 Energy tracking: Some smart heaters allow you the capability to view how much energy
usage you are consuming. During the winter when consumption is at an all-time high it
is helpful to use the simplicity of a space heater. You will find that these are wonderful
cost saving benefits long-term.
If you have any questions about our space heaters please do not hesitate to contact our
support team. We are here to help. We look forward to helping you save money and stay warm
this winter.

What to Cook

If you are considering purchasing a large deep fryer you may be wondering, what would
you cook in it? There are many delicious recipes that you can cook in a large deep fryer that will
make you wish you had bought one sooner! Deep fried foods, while certainly not on the healthy
side, are absolutely delicious. Even if you save these dishes for a special occasion or for when
you have company over, you won’t be sorry. See below for several things to consider
concocting in your deep fryer.

1. Deep Fried Chicken: Deep fried chicken is one of the most common items to
cook in a deep fryer. You will start with a batter of beaten eggs mixed in with
flour. You can then add in your seasonings, dip in the chicken and then
refrigerate. You will want to refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Once they come
out of the fridge you can fry and serve right away.
2. Soft Crab: Soak the crabs in beaten eggs, sprinkle with flour and then place into
the deep fryer.
3. Tempura: You can make a variety of different types of tempura foods in a deep
fryer. You can make tempura out of veggies, meat, or even seafood. Many
delicious options include cauliflower, carrots, zucchini, and even asparagus but
really the sky is the limit! You will need rice flour and sparkling water. You will
then want to coat the veggies or meat and fry.
4. Shrimp: Shrimp with any kind of fried coating is always delicious!
5. Fried Seafood: You will want to wash and prepare your seafood. Next mix your
egg and flour mixture with white wine. Finally, you can coat and fry away! You
really can’t go wrong with frying up any of your favorite seafood options!

History of Black & Decker

Black and Decker is an American manufacturer of power tools, accessories, hardware,
and home improvement products. They have become a household name when it comes to
general home improvement products. Things like a black and decker oven are synonymous
with affordability and quality. They are headquartered in Towson, Maryland and are truly a self-
made brand and company that has stood the test of time. They were established in 1910 by S.
Duncan Black and Alonzo G. Decker. With hardly any money between the two of them they
scraped together what they could and started their business. They were considered to be a
small machine shop at the time with their first job being to manufacture milk bottle caps.
In 1912 they adopted the Hexagon logo symbol which was meant to symbolize a
hexagonal bolt found in machine shops. This logo was used from 1912 to 2014. In 1917 Black &
Decker were able to invent and patent the first hand-held electric drill as well as open their first
factory. This was a serious turning point for the company. It was just two short years later that
the company reach over 1 million dollars in sales. In 1936 they officially became a publicly
traded company. Fast forward to March 12, 2010, they merged with Staley Works and became
Stanley, Black & Decker. A few years later in 2017 the company then purchased Craftsman from
Sears and continued on their growth trajectory.
Today, you can see our quality selection of a black and decker oven on our website as
we are proud to offer a quality American brand. If you have any questions about their products
please feel free to reach out to us at any time. You can also browse our website for a great

5 Essential Items for your New Home

You need to add a widget, row, or prebuilt layout before you’ll see anything here. 🙂

Moving into your new home whether an apartment or house is always exciting. Of course, one of the most stressful parts of moving is deciding what items you will now need to purchase to not just fill your space, but also create purpose in your home. Here are 5 essential items that we recommend for new spaces. 

Pots and Pans- Building your kitchen will probably take the most time since there are a lot of little specific items that you may think of as you continue to live in your space. However, pots and pans are the foundation for your kitchen and will help to save you money by learning to cook at home. 

Air Purifier- This may not be on everyone’s list, but it should be. Especially if you deal with allergies, you should have an air purifier running as soon you move in. This will help to keep the air clean and pick up any dust that you may clean off in the space. 

Paper Shredder- Hopefully you remembered to change your address before you moved so that all your mail now gets rerouted to your new home. Not only will you want to shred the mail, but if you are working from home, this is another way to keep security on any confidential paperwork. 

Television- Where would we be without TV. This is going to be a big item that you will likely want someone there to help you move. You will be able to watch all your favorite shows from the comfort of your own living room. If you are looking for a TV, we have some great selections and have free shipping within the continental USA! 

Food processor- The best small food processor will not only handle all the onions you may cook with but can also make pizza dough, chop up soup ingredients and more. If you find yourself wanting an easy way to get consistent cuts for your next meal. 
Other essential items include an all in one toaster oven and oven mitts which you will likely forget until you are faced with the reality of needing to pull something hot out of the oven. We have a lot of wonderful items that will help you make your new space feel like home.

Tips for Choosing the Best Air Purifier

There are all sorts of little particulates that are in the air we breathe everyday. For folks with asthma and allergies, having an air purifier inside their home or office space is one way to help make their everyday life a bit better. However, with so many purifiers on the market, choosing the right one can be a challenge. Here are a few tips to choosing the right air purifier for your space. 


HEPA- You may be familiar with seeing this acronym on lots of air purifiers and it is an important one. These filters catch 99.97% of particulates  that are as small as 0.3 microns. For comparison, the smallest object that a human will be able to see is about 70 microns. There are a lot of false advertisements when it comes to filers so be wary if it says a “HEPA Type” filter. 


Noise Level- Depending on where you are putting your filter, the noise level may be of some concern. While they have certainly gotten more quiet over the years, many air purifiers make a gentle humming sound that almost sounds like a white noise machine. Be aware of the level of noise, especially if you are looking at putting it in a shared office. 


Understand the CADR- The CADR or Clean Air Delivery Rate, will help you to understand the effectiveness of an air purifier in different size spaces. For example a CADR of 200 for dust means that the air purifier can lower the dust concentration at the equivalent of adding 200 cubic feet of fresh air per minute. 


Energy Cost- For an air purifier to stay effective, it needs to run 24/7 to be constantly drawing pollutants out of the air. This may have an impact on your electricity bill so be mindful of the additional cost. Some filters also have an eco conscience mode that automatically changes to standby mode if it does not detect any pollen, dust, or other contaminate in the air. 

We carry a variety of air purifiers including the Holmes desktop air purifier as well as a tabletop water cooler for your office.

Homemade Tortillas? Yes Please!

Everyone loves homemade food and tortillas are no different. Soft, hard, rolled, fried, the list goes on and on. The perfect vessel for a variety of fillings and toppings, homemade tortillas are a way to elevate your Taco Tuesday game and will quickly become a staple in your home. 


Traditional tortillas are made using dried corn that has been soaked overnight that is then processed by hand, making the rounds that are then cooked on a hot, flat surface. Now by  visiting your local Latinx marketplace you can stock up on all the materials you will need to make tortillas for your family. Masa Harina is the first ingredient you could look for when in the store. 


Translated to simply ‘corn flour’ this bag will make plenty of tortillas and is the only ingredient you are unlikely to have at home. Corn tortillas are naturally gluten free and are more flavorful than their flour counterparts. This makes them perfect for the whole family. After mixing the flour with the appropriate ratio of hot water and a pinch of salt, roll the balls into flats and flatten them into even rounds. Then put them into your tortilla maker to cook them to the ideal stage for your recipe. Fresh tortillas make for an easy quesadilla at lunchtime or tacos at dinner. Leftover tortillas? No problem! 


Using your air fryer countertop oven you can cut your tortilla into triangle shapes and air fry them to crispy perfection. Top them with any leftover taco toppings or nacho cheese to have another fantastic meal. Cooking homemade food is the ideal way to feed your family. Fresh ingredients can be made into meals that are not only healthy but that your family will love. If you are low on time, consider a digital toaster oven. Just set the timer and finish whatever you have to get done with the confidence that your meal will be done to perfection. 


A Kitchen Staple: The Food Processor

Food processors are a modern kitchen staple. The sharp blades and varying sizes means that there is one out there that can fit in your kitchen. Their versatility is often underestimated so today we are going to tell you 5 things you can do with your food processor. 

  1. Homemade pasta- This seemingly daunting task is made easy using your food processor. The dough comes together, neatly and without a mess in the container and is then easily transferable to the counter to be rolled out. The holes on the top of your food processor were meant to be used for a slow drip such as that you would use with olive oil when making pasta. 
  2. Sauce- It goes without saying that homemade pasta is nothing without a wonderful sauce to accompany it. Easy blending of different sized ingredients means that your sauce can come together easily. For other meals, salsas, dips and spreads can be whipped up with ease. 
  3. DIY Nut butter- Buying cashew and almond butter at the store can get expensive. Create your own at home and watch the magic happen. Spreadable on toast and usable in all sorts of ways, homemade nut butter becomes a topic of conversation on your weekly video dinner calls with friends. This goes without mentioning the nuts you can have on hand for a snack too! 
  4. Ice Cream- The world just became a better place! Make your favorite sweet treat at home with all the toppings you want. By freezing your base, it can be quickly whipped up in your processor leaving you with a fluffy base to add your mix ins. Prefer sorbet? No problem! Freezing your favorite fruit and then blending it makes another easy dessert for a hot day. 
  5. Chopping Vegetables- While it may seem basic, vegetables are easy to break down to the size you need with your food processor. The “pulse” button gives you the control you want to get the right size cut. You will never have to worry about crying with onions again and cutting carrots becomes a breeze. 

Becoming the kitchen wizard you have always wanted to be is easier than ever now that you have these ideas to fuel your next cooking session using your android tablet as your recipe holder. Find the best small food processor and get cooking!