What is Convection Cooking?

A convection oven with air fryer capabilities have become increasingly popular. This
popularity begs the question – what is a convection oven? A convection oven has a fan and an
exhaust system that circulates hot air around the oven. This circulation helps to reduce any hot
or cold spots that naturally occur. The lack of hot and cold spots creates a more even cooking
environment. Some convection ovens even have a third heating element. The third heating
element is what creates a true convection environment. A true convection delivers hot air
around the top, bottom, and the sides which is ideal for roasting meat and baking. This type of
cooking eliminates the need for rotating food while cooking. A convection oven with air fryer
capabilities may need to adjust the temperature of standard cooking times and temperatures.
Some units will auto adjust themselves.
A conventional oven has two primary heating types. The first consists of bottom heating
which is ideal for roasting large cuts of meat, whole chickens, and turkey. The alternative type
of heating is the top-down heating which is great for broiling and browning casseroles. No fan
exists in this type of cooking to help circulate the heating. Due to the lack of heat circulation
oven rack placement is extra important.
Whatever type of cooking you are doing it is important to learn about your specific unit.
Knowing the specifications of your convection oven will allow you to produce the best possible
chef inspired dishes. If you have any questions about the perfect convection oven for your
cooking needs we are always here to help!